MUMBAI: In a concerted effort to address the issue of illegal parking at bus stops within the city, the traffic police undertook a targeted enforcement operation resulting in 9,658 motorists being issued fines totaling Rs 10.21 lakh. Conducted from April 24 to May 5 across various precincts, the initiative aimed to alleviate congestion and ensure unimpeded access for buses.
Anil Kumbhare, Joint Commissioner of Traffic, emphasized the detrimental impact of illegally parked vehicles on bus operations, particularly affecting students, senior citizens, and differently abled passengers attempting to embark or disembark safely.
Each traffic division received directives to rigorously enforce penalties for unauthorized parking at bus stops. Despite prior efforts by the BMC to delineate designated zones with yellow boxes in South Mumbai, encompassing a 15-meter radius around bus shelters, the initiative's city-wide implementation remains pending, affecting over 6,000 bus stops.
Former BEST GM Lokesh Chandra advocated for immediate action against offenders, suggesting leveraging social media platforms and email submissions to report violations. Acknowledging the efficacy of community engagement, Chandra highlighted instances where encroachments and illegal parking near bus stops were swiftly addressed based on public notifications.
This collaborative approach underscores the significance of public participation in fostering a conducive environment for efficient public transportation operations and ensuring the safety and convenience of all commuters.
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