Adyar To Tiruvannamalai Bus Timing & Route



There are only three direct bus services from Adyar and Tiruvannamalai. Erlier there were lot of buses, but after  the opening of the Kilambakkam bus depot only 3 buses operate from Adyar and Tiruvannamalai.

Adyar To Tiruvannamalai Bus Timing

Adyar To Tiruvannamalai Bus Timing as of 2024 are as follows:

Operator    Bus Type
04:45 PMTNSTC    Non-AC
05:15 PMTNSTC    Non-AC
06:00 PMTNSTC  
  AC Deluxe

Several private bus operators offer services between Adyar and Tiruvannamalai, including JJ Yatra, Heron Travels, Gokul Travels, and Metrolink Tours and Travels. 

These operators provide Seater 2+2 and AC Seater/Sleeper 2+1 buses for travelers’ convenience.

However, it’s essential to note that their services are not regular; they typically operate on alternate days, and the number of services varies according to demand.

Moreover there are a lot of of bus services available from Chennai to Tiruvannamalai, originating from both Koyambedu and Kilambakkam. Notably, TNSTC recently announced the commencement of 85 bus services from Koyambedu to Tiruvannamalai starting May 23, 2024.

Given the extensive bus services available to Tiruvannamalai from both Koyambedu and Kilambakkam, passengers from Adyar have the option to explore these nearby terminuses for additional travel options. 

Koyambedu, located approximately 16 kilometers away, and Kilambakkam Bus Terminus, situated around 29 kilometers from Adyar, offer convenient access to a diverse range of bus services.
